If you're not sure about the formula you want, just try the Basic formula, you can then choose to switch from formular from the administration module.

On the registration page, you must fill out the form all fields in bold. Start by choosing a name for your e-Commerce. The green picture means that the subdomain is free, the red one that it is unavailable and that you should try another name.

Once the form is submitted, you can simply wait a few moments for the email to arrive in your mailbox. If after a few minutes you still do not see the email and you have an email from hotmail or yahoo type, check the spam folder.

You will receive this email with your domain and your KelCommerce username. It is strongly advised to print this email so you can remember your password later.

And voila, one minute after registration, your site exists, you just now have to complete it to begin the new experience.

Log in to your administration module and see our other articles for more information!